Hi! I’m Lauren.
I’m a Functional Health Coach, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Broadway Performer living in New York City.
And this is my story.
I’ve spent my entire life trying to determine the best way to nourish my body for optimal wellness, while maintaining the visual aesthetic of a Broadway performer. I tried every nutritional approach and fad under the sun and committed myself to consistently challenging and persistent workouts.
And then, I crashed and burned. I started experiencing major fatigue, I wasn’t recovering from workouts or performances, and I was getting sick every other week. Getting through the day without someone worrying about me became rare, my brain couldn’t focus for more than 30 minutes at a time, and all I ever wanted to do was sleep. I didn’t know why I was feeling this way, but I knew I didn’t want to continue to feeling it. I requested a short leave of absence from my fitness job and decided that rest was probably my best bet.
My type A personality of course wanted to fill my free daytime hours with “something else”. So I enrolled in a functional health course, called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, that had popped up in my email. I studied incessantly while locked in a sedentary position all day long in my apartment, with bottomless coffees and the same protein shake every-single-day. I laugh at myself now when I look back at how I chose to “heal” myself. But what did come out of this experience was some invaluable information, almost seemingly by accident!
Part of the course required that I run lab tests on myself, which low and behold led me to the answer to all my problems! I was experiencing what then was called “adrenal fatigue”, or HPA axis dysregulation. My daily cortisol (stress hormone) output was all over the map, which meant my fundamental regulatory systems were burnt out and chronically stressed! No wonder I was catching every cold and flu that came my way.
I was exercising way too much, not breathing, not listening to my body, and eating every trendy “health food” out there, regardless of how my body reacted. WAKE UP CALL. I finally realized that the only way I could heal was by starting from the inside out.
Personal health is extremely intimate. It doesn’t come from a best-selling nutrition book, or from your friend’s own success story. It comes from within you! The only way to true wellness is to be your own health detective. Yes it takes work, and intense commitment; but once you find it, it’s yours forever.
Hi! I’m Lauren.
I’m a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach & Integrated Movement Science Practitioner, Blood Glucose Expert, Female Biohacker and former Broadway Performer!
And this is my story...
I’ve spent my entire life trying to determine the best way to nourish my body for optimal wellness, while maintaining the visual aesthetic of a Broadway performer. I tried every nutritional approach and fad under the sun and committed myself to consistently challenging and persistent workouts.
And then, I crashed and burned. I started experiencing major fatigue, I wasn’t recovering from workouts or performances, and I was getting sick every other week. Getting through the day without someone worrying about me became rare, my brain couldn’t focus for more than 30 minutes at a time, and all I ever wanted to do was sleep. I didn’t know why I was feeling this way, but I knew I didn’t want to continue to feeling it. I requested a short leave of absence from my fitness job and decided that rest was probably my best bet.
My type A personality of course wanted to fill my free daytime hours with “something else”. So I enrolled in a functional health course, called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, that had popped up in my email. I studied incessantly while locked in a sedentary position all day long in my apartment, with bottomless coffees and the same protein shake every-single-day. I laugh at myself now when I look back at how I chose to “heal” myself. But what did come out of this experience was some invaluable information, almost seemingly by accident!
Part of the course required that I run lab tests on myself, which low and behold led me to the answer to all my problems! I was experiencing what then was called “adrenal fatigue”, or HPA axis dysregulation. My daily cortisol (stress hormone) output was all over the map, which meant my fundamental regulatory systems were burnt out and chronically stressed! No wonder I was catching every cold and flu that came my way.
I was exercising way too much, not breathing, not listening to my body, and eating every trendy “health food” out there, regardless of how my body reacted. WAKE UP CALL. I finally realized that the only way I could heal was by starting from the inside out.
Personal health is extremely intimate. It doesn’t come from a best-selling nutrition book, or from your friend’s own success story. It comes from within you! The only way to true wellness is to be your own health detective. Yes it takes work, and intense commitment; but once you find it, it’s yours forever.

Lauren is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner® and Metabolic Typing Advisor®, Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Blood Sugar Expert. She teaches her clients the importance of potent nutrition & lifestyle strategies to optimize hormones, energy, sleep and exercise performance.
Also a C.H.E.K. Level II Holistic Lifestyle Coach, she wholly believes in biochemical and chemical individuality, and the importance of finding what works for each individual. She coaches through the D.R.E.S.S. protocol, influencing healthy lifestyle principles through clean, high-quality nutrition, proper sleep patterning, stress reduction, and intelligent movement integration.
As a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Lauren has been working as a fitness professional since 2006. Exercise specialties include Neuromuscular Stretching, Corrective Exercise, Pre/Post-Natal Training, and is a certified instructor of KettleBell Concepts®.
Lauren studied through the C.H.E.K. Institute in Carlsbad, CA. As a certified Exercise Coach, she specializes in corrective exercise through anatomical and functional assessments, primal movement patterns and scientific program design.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner
CHEK Integrated Movement Science – Level 1&2
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach – Level 1&2
Institute for Functional Health Coaching
Metabolic Typing Advisor®
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Animal Flow Instructor
Pre/Post-Natal Specialist
Kettlebell Concepts Instructor
NEUFIT Foundational Rehabilitation Techniques – Level 1
Certified Heart Rate Performance Specialist (NESTA)
ELDOA – Level 1
Schwinn Indoor Cycling Classic Instructor
Behavior Change Specialst
Elle Magazine
“Why I Started Flirting With My Food”
“Injury Prevention While Exercising Outdoors”
“Favorite Fall Foods”
“Falling Back to Standard Time – Staying Productive On Shorter Days”
“Time for More Vitamin D”
Shape Magazine
“How Hollywood’s Hottest Trainers Stay Fit and Happy”
“She is like a one stop shop for all of your needs when it comes to health and wellness. Where else can you find someone who looks at you from EVERY aspect, helps you manage it ALL and become healthier?
Besides having an incredible heart and genuine spirit, she is incredibly knowledgable in fitness and training as well as being able to diagnose and treat numerous illnesses, ailments and diseases. She uses a whole body approach to assess, train, and coach you into becoming the best possible you. She just gets it!
What I appreciated when I started working with her was realizing that it isn’t just about one area, and easily being able to trust her. When I first started out, my journey of health and wellness only took into consideration one aspect. I have learned through working with Lauren and the years I have spent healing that until you look at your body as a whole, treating everything from fitness to the food you eat and the inner workings of your body, you will never get the results you want.
She inspired me, during my own health struggles and overcoming a lot with her help, to become a health coach myself. But, if I hadn’t worked with Lauren I never would have had the knowledge, the guts, and the healthy mindset to go for it.
Health and wellness is a daily journey of searching for what balance means to you. Having Lauren at the head of your team will certainly make that journey easier, stronger and leave you feeling fulfilled, driven and healthier than you have ever been!
Thank you Lauren for taking such good care of me, and being such an incredible support. I hope anyone reading this will realize what a gift she is and sign on!!”

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